Monday, February 19, 2007


It’s been awhile since I have updated you on the flock of finches at the Wooden House. You may remember that we were having babies like crazy around here for awhile. We had two clutches of four birds, one of which was Charlie, the hand-raised finch who kept falling out (getting kicked out?) of the nest.

I tried hard to sell off the babies as Christmas presents. I thought maybe our friends would like to buy them as unique gifts for their kids or something. Boy, was I wrong about that! We finally resorted to giving them away. One Shiloh family, the Williams, took four, two males and two females. (We know what’s going on at their house about now!) Aunt Bonnie took two. That left us with two, a male, and Charlie, the human finch.

I guess the big news is that Charlie isn’t a “he.” Charlie turned out to be Charlene. We kept her in a separate cage with the leftover male. As she matured we came to the realization that all her coloring was female. At first I just thought it was because she was a “late bloomer.” Then I noticed he cage companion was spending a lot of time cuddling with her. I finally had to admit it, he’s a she!

More big news. Charlene is laying eggs. The two of them are acting very parental, taking turns sitting in the nest and sharing the nest at night. I guess it won’t be long now. I’m kind of hoping these first eggs are just duds. She seems too young to be having baby birds already. She just hatched in November herself! But she turned out to be a lovely finch and her partner may be the most handsome male in our entire flock!

Oh, by the way, Charlene won’t come out of the cage and sit on our hands anymore. She’s lost all her human characteristics and has regressed to being all bird all the time. I know you’ll all be holding your breath waiting to hear the glad tidings of great joy. I’ll be sure to let you know. Little tiny finch cigars for everyone!


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