Saturday, March 11, 2006

Feels Like Spring!

Ladies and Gentlemen! It is with great joy that I announce that it is 5:00 pm eastern time and it has just reached 60 degrees in beautiful suburban Caledonia! Mia has opened the windows. The kids are outside in shorts. The neighbors are walking around the block. These are sure signs that Spring cannot be far away.

But let me just say this: Midwest winters are not to be mocked. They let you think they're gone. The little crocuses peek out of the dirt. Tiny little buds give the woods the appearance that they are draped with a sheer, gauzy green curtain. People start doing little projects outside. Then it hits! The temperature falls far below freezing and stays there for a week. The snow returns to threaten the lives of the baby crocuses. Children all catch pneumonia because they refuse to go back to wearing their winter jackets. Depression falls on the city like a wet blanket.

I laugh in the face of the late winter depression! Ha! Big joke! I'm smarter than to fall for your seductive suggestion of Spring! I simply continue to remind myself that it is coming, the late snowfall. I can remember big snowstorms in May! We're still six weeks away from that! I don't care if they're playing Spring baseball down in Florida and out in Arizona. We all know the Cubs will open their season with 35 degree weather and snow! It happens every year! So here's what you do. Keep wearing your sweaters and jackets no matter what the temperature is outside. Last year I was the last guy in town wearing my black leather jacket. But I never got depressed! I never believed it was Spring! In fact, we don't have Spring here in beautiful, suburban Caledonia. It goes straight to summer overnight. Tell you what, I'll take off my leather jacket right before the fireworks start!

It's been kind of a rough weekend here. My associate was scheduled to preach this Sunday so I spent my whole week doing some reading and paperwork. I never gave a thought to a sermon because I had two weeks to write it. Sadly, my associate's teenage son ended up in the hospital Thursday night. I ran over there to visit them Friday morning and, to make a long story short, I'm preaching tomorrow. So I've been here at my desk for over 20 hours the last two days. Looks like I'm going to make it, thanks be to God! The first copy will be flying over the net to the Smoking Christian in a couple of hours.

You guys are great. Thanks for stopping by.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

...and here we are sending our 20 year old son back to the midwest to complete his 2nd year of college. He is not a winter kind of guy to put it mildly. Ironically his Spring Break here in So Cal was enjoyed mostly under cloudy and rainy skies, you might call it a conspiracy. And, most importantly he was not able to enjoy the kind of Spring Break described in your previous post!

9:28 PM  
Blogger Smoking Christian said...

Thank you so much for changing the background from black. Now I can read your new blog with great joy, free of eye strain. I also like that background color.

It's interesting to me that, just this morning I was going to ask you how a Native Californian can stand a real Winter anywhere, let alone in the Midwest.

This morning it's 36 here in Fullerton. I feel frightened and even more disoriented than usual.

You know, if you're hard up for a sermon again, you're welcome to just rip off a page from the Smoking Christian. I think people would be very impressed. (Just not in a good way.)

10:29 AM  

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